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Conversion Class and Re-Introduction to Judaism

A course for anyone who is interested in converting to Judaism and those who want to re-introduce themselves to the beauty of Judaism.

Wednesdays from 8:00 pm - 9:30 PM.

Classes beginning mid-August

Cost (payment plans are available):
        $360 as part of our Conversion Program/Supplies/Books

                                       or call the Temple office: (407) 239-5444 or email



SOJC is pleased to offer conversion classes to those contemplating conversion as well as for those seeking to increase their knowledge of Judaism.  Weekly didactic classes over the Zoom platform, as well as classes in basic Hebrew skills are available.  These are augmented by attendance at Shabbat and Holiday services as well as invites to social functions at SOJC.


Our next conversion class will begin August 16 and be completed in May. Once formal education is completed, the conversion may be finalized under the guidance of the Rabbi Crespy.


In Partnership with: 
- Miller Introduction to Judaism Program of American Jewish University
- Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation


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