April 22 - 30
Passover Service Schedule
April 23 - 9:30am
April *30 - 9:30am
* - Yizkor Service
If you are visiting the Orlando area and would like to attend services at during Passover,
kindly call 407-239-5444 and leave your name and phone number and the dates you will be attending.
Guess Who is Coming for Passover Seder?
Would you like to host or be hosted for Passover Seder?
If your answer is
go to this link Here to fill out the online form:
Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation
11200 S Apopka Vineland Rd. Orlando, Florida 32836
Phone: 407-239-5444
Before Pesach it is a requirement to eliminate all Chametz from our possession. Halacha does allow for Chametz (e.g. liquors, mixtures, etc.) to be sold to a non-Jew in those circumstances when elimination is not an option. Arrangements for such sale should be made through our Rabbi using the attached contract. We welcome you to visit us at the synagogue to complete the transaction or slip it under the office door. If you cannot come in, you can complete the contract and send it into the office as soon as possible. You may also email it to It must be received by Sunday, April 21st at 5:00pm.
This year, Pesach 5784/2024, the general sale of Chametz will take effect on Monday morning, April 22, 2024, before 11:30am. All Chametz which was not sold must be burned by 11:58am on Monday. If the purchaser does not complete payment for the sale by Tuesday, April 30, 2024, by 9:00 pm, the agreement will be void.
We never accept personal monetary gifts for this service. We do welcome Ma’ot Chittim contributions, cash or checks made out to SOJC- Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund with “Ma’ot Chittim” in the memo. Funds will go to Pesach needs and support needy people in our local community. NOTE: Kitniyot (food made from legumes which are not eaten by Ashkenazim on Pesach) need not be sold.
The Sale of Chametz form and contributions for Ma’ot Chittim can be made on our website or by completing the contract below.
Passover 5784: April 21st- April 30th, 2024
I hereby empower and authorize Rabbi Melissa Crespy to sell all Chametz that may be in my possession, wherever it may be - at home, a place of business or elsewhere. This includes all goods which may be delivered to me over Passover as well as stocks owned in full or in part in corporations which sell or deal with Chametz. The Rabbi has full rights to sell, dispose, and conduct all transactions for such time which they believe necessary in accordance with detailed terms and forms explained in the contracts in their possession. The above power hereby being given, is meant to conform with all Torah and Rabbinic regulations and laws.
Address(es) where Chametz is stored (Home, Office, etc.): Street:___________________________________________ City:_____________________ State:__________
Places where Chametz is stored (Kitchen, Pantry, Bar, etc.):_________________________________________ Estimated value of Chametz (Edibles):___________________ PLEASE NOTE: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE SALE DEPENDS ON THE CHAMETZ BEING ACCESSIBLE TO THE NON-JEWISH PARTY TO WHOM IT IS SOLD. PLEASE CLEARLY INDICATE HOW THE CHAMETZ CAN BE ACCESSED FOR ALL OF PESACH. Access to Chametz (including times when I am not home) can be arranged by contacting:
Name:__________________________________________ Phone Number:_______________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ To the above, I affix my signature: Signature:____________________________________________ Date:_________________